• Publisher
    • Writer
      Donny Cates
    • Artist
      Garry Brown
    • ISBN
    • Release Date
      NOVEMBER 12, 2019
  • $11.24
    • 25% OFF
    Retail price: $14.99, you save $3.75
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The saga of Sadie Ritter, her adorable little hellspawn and the people who love them continues as we enter into the most terrifying chapter of our journey so far: THE TERRIBLE TWOS! Plus, who is our mys-terious new storyteller?! And what secrets about the fate of Clark do they hold?! And what of the Red Realm? Find out here, as a bold new direction for BABYTEETH begins! From Donny Cates, the writer of Venom, Thanos, Redneck and the breakout hit God Country, comes this pulse-pounding series with art from THE REVISIONIST's Garry Brown! Volume 3 contains issues #11-15!

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