• Publisher
    • Writer
      Mike Kennedy
    • Artist
    • ISBN
    • Release Date
      JULY 20, 2011
  • $11.24
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    Retail price: $14.99, you save $3.75
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Eight years ago, every oil well on the planet ran dry, utterly dissolving the cornerstone of modern civilization. Global economies withered and nations fell like bone-dry dominoes. Caught in a zenith of chaos, Sunrise City now lies in the hands of a criminal cabal who may or may not hold the key to the future and the secrets behind the planet's tragic ruin. Bleedout tells the frighteningly plausible tale of a world destroyed by its own greed and shortsightedness. Based on the Massively Multiplayer Online Shooter video game from Vogster Entertainment, this deluxe hardcover volume collects chapters drawn by some of the comic industry's hottest superstars.

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