• Publisher
    • Writer
      Shelia Keenan
    • Artist
      Nathan Fox
    • ISBN
    • Release Date
      OCTOBER 15, 2013
  • $9.74
    • 25% OFF
    Retail price: $12.99, you save $3.25
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Dogs of War is a graphic novel that tells the stories of the canine military heroes of World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War. This collection of three fictional stories was inspired by historic battles and real military practice, and each story tells the heroic adventures of a soldier and his service dog. Based on the real-life roles of military dogs that served as Red Cross rescuers, messengers, scouts, search-and-rescue teams, sentries, and mascots, Dogs of War captures both the adventure and the devastation brought on by war, as well as the celebrations of life and friendship between boys and their dogs.

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