• Publisher
    • Writer
      Michael McDermott & Various
    • Artist
      Jonathan Brandon Sawyer & Various
    • ISBN
    • Release Date
      JANUARY 20, 2015
  • $17.49
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An Illuminati celebrity assassin, adorably twisted ritual sacrifices, doomed lovotic space affairs, war toads, G.U.N.T.S., luchador gorillas, and urban languawitches await in this bizarrely wonderful sci-fi-fantasy fueled comic anthology.

Imaginary Drugs is a creator driven exploration of life, love, death, and raygun-toting, multiverse adventure. Skirting the fears and fringes and subverting the hopes and expectations of the modern imagination, Imaginary Drugs tackles the possible future origins of human life, our increasingly dependent relationship with technology, and the ass-kicking absurdity of beating a nest of blood-suckers into submission with a cosmically powered baseball bat.


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