• Publisher
    • Writer
      Rachel Ang
    • Artist
      Rachel Ang
    • ISBN
    • Release Date
      APRIL 8, 2025
  • $17.21
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    Retail price: $22.95, you save $5.74
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An entire sea of water can't sink a shipunless it gets inside I Ate the Whole World to Find You maps the topography of trauma, treasures, and loss imposed onto the body of Jenny, a twenty-something-going-on-thirty-something partial hot mess whos routing her way more firmly into adulthood. As she navigates friendship, family, and romantic relationships, will her inability to communicate destroy her, or ultimately be her rebirth? A coworker-turned-prospective-lover confesses a hard-to-swallow fetish. A train ride fantastically goes off the rails as old habits get dragged across the tracks. Cousins revisit summer holiday blissor was it really horror? Exes fumble an attempt to reconnect over a dip in the pool on a squelching summer day. And an expectant mother slips into an unusual place as she embarks on a communion with her baby more pure than language can accommodate. Set against an exquisitely lush Australian backdrop, Rachel Angs pencils are fluid yet scratchy, precise and evocative, bringing to life the inner and external world of Jenny with stunning realism and gushing imagination. Sprinkled with speculative fiction and fantasy, Angs radiant debut collection introduces a dynamic voice to comics, and establishes Ang as one of the most exciting short-story writers working in comics today.

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